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Never Before Asked Questions

Q: "Never Before Asked Questions"?
A: Yes. This thing is pretty new. Nobody has asked anything about this comic frequently yet.

Q: So you're typing this up yourself?
A: Yup.

Q: Lame!
A: Hey! That wasn't a question.

Q: So when do you update?
A: Well, as things are right now, thrice per week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This might change from story to story.

Q: So what's the deal? Who are the characters? What's the story? Where's the upskirt panty-shots?
A: One question at a time! Read what there is to read to answer the first three questions. As for the last one: what do you think this is? A "Magical Girl"-manga? No panty shots unless the story calls for it! Pervert!

Q: "Pervert"...? But aren't YOU the one typing up these questions?
A: I don't have to answer that.

Q: What the heck is this art style?
A: A little bit of everything, really. I get a lot of inspiration from manga, though I wouldn't classify what I do as such. I go with what works, so I've got a few tricks from the western masters up my sleeves as well.

Q: j00 suxx ass fag!!!! ur mom was a fag an ur fathers a fag an ur whole family is fag cuz u suxx!!!!
A: You do realize that if my mother and father were both male homosexuals, I probably wouldn't have been born, right?
But honestly, I really couldn't care less what you think of me or my family, whom you have never met and certainly will never meet. I would ask you to keep that opinion to yourself, and stop reading my comic if you hate me so. Also, that was not a question.

Q: Will you link me/put up my fanart/mention me?
A: Depends a whole lot on what you want me to link/put up/mention. I'm not very picky with fanart. So long as it doesn't insult me. But I won't link to porn-sites or anything racially and/or religiously discriminating. Or anything discriminating at all, actually. Nor will I mention it, except to rant against it. If it's a nice comic or something, though, mail me a link and I'll look it over.

Q: What the fuck, man?
A: Yea, I know.

Q: I mean, how many times have you started over now?
A: Is anybody keeping count?

Q: Christ! Do you even care about readership?
A: No.

Q: Say what again?
A: Don't get me wrong, I love you all for reading this piece of amateure. You're just not the reason I do this.

Q: We all hate you now.
A: I do not understand the question.

Q: Before you restarted last time, you had a story going, man! You had characters! Plot! Updates! And you just threw it all away! What's WRONG with you?
A: I got bored.

Q: ... Wait, what?
A: Seriously. I did. The plot I was writing had nothing in it you haven't seen a million billion times before. It wasn't going anywhere interesting, so I nixed it.

Q: You couldn't just have - oh, I dunno - rewritten it, jerkface?
A: Oh ho ho! Sarcastic, are we? Well, that's exactly what I'm doing. Rewriting it all. From scratch. And getting something absolutely not like what I had before out of it.

Q: So what's gonna happen to all those characters we know and love?
A: Well, at the time of this writing, Jester, Philosophy, Music, Rage and Muse have all had their own storylines. So yeah, they'll be around.

Q: NOW what happened?
A: Oh nothing. Just another site-redesign. Here's how it works: each story now has it's own sub-section in the main section called "Stories". Here you can browse around the various stories seperately, rather than strictly chronologically. It's a bit rough right now, but I'm working on making it easier to navigate.
Anyway, this way I can update whatever story it strikes my fancy to continue at any given time. I'm a fickle artist, and I have short attention-span when it comes to my art, so the ability to just bounce around a bit is better for me.
The downside is that AutoKeen isn't to - uh - keen on helping me out with this, so I have to work my way around the system, rathen than having it help me through. Kinda annoying, but what can you do?

Q: ... is this it for NBAQ?
A: Pretty much... for now.

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